Thursday, January 26, 2012


(The lost sheep, modern By Liz Lemon Swindle)

I believe we can all be found..

:) So Tuesday was wonderful.
The interview went better than I could have imagined and was more than I was asking for. (not in a bad way) I had prayed asking for my heart to be lifted, and for understanding of my hearts desires. I was thinking I would have to go a little while longer with the chains around my leg and cloud over my head. I am not going to into great detail as this is something to my heart and soul. But I didn't know how much I was carrying over me until it was gone.
I'll just say it's been a very long time since I've felt this good and knew that life was good. I feel that I have a new start on life. I see that my goals are getting closer, and I am so excited for what is down the road.
It's sad to think that I was walking around with all that on me thinking, that I couldn't get better. It's like a throne in the side, and sadly after having it for a long time, its like you get use to that pain and forget what it is like to not have it there anymore.
It just shows that we are never truly lost if we just have the courage to change our life all the hurt and pain can be gone and replaced with peace and love.
I am grateful for my trials though, because I truly appreciate the blessing, and I believe it will make me a better person and stronger. ( What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger) I believe we have trial for reasons and know that they can be overcome. So things are moving forward, and life is coming together :)

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