Sunday, January 22, 2012

Exciting day :)

For me today has been great :) It's been a trying few weeks.
I am trying to go back to church and I have lots of reasons that it is hard for me.
Jake not going with me
I dont know anyone
I haven't been (lets be honest here) in 5 yrs(but for a couple times when I have gont home)
I dont have sunday clothes (modest sunday clothes)
With the above stated I feel as though I stand out more. ( I remember when I was active and I would see new young couples come to church you always knew they havent been active because they dressed more like going out than church)
I have other excuses ( and that is what they are excuses )
So with my big picture in my heart that I see and want so badly this is one of the steps I have had to get to.
I talked to Jake last night, if he knew how to go about talking to our Bishop. (see long time since I have gone) I have never repented for things or needed to (cause I wasnt going) I expressed my feelings, that this is what I want to do, I want to go to church, and I want to go to the temple. I also don't want to half ass it either.
I think that is why I needed my trials of being away from the church. It has given me the blessing of knowing how important it is, to live right, to be a good person.
To not go to church because we have to, but because we want to, we are blessed to be able to go. So after much talking last night. I said a prayer asking for help to help me with being able to find the right time to talk to the bishop. I am very nervous about this. As my last bishop was a wonderful man, my neighbor for all of my life and had a kind heart and understanding, and once again I hadn't need to repent then.
Today while sitting waiting for church to start, the bishop came over like he had in the past Sundays and said hello, and told me they had just been talking about me and Jake, and he had been thinking of us. He then said I would like to get you and Jake in my office. I smiled and I felt my heart lifted and told him I would like to meet with him myself. So to sum it up cause this part of my day is getting long (sorry)
I am meeting with him on Tuesday. I know to all of you who are active and all this is no big deal. For me this is :) and most of all this is a step in the right direction for me and my big picture. I love how the Lord works, I asked for help and was found :)
The 2nd part to my exciting day we bought our Hockey Tickets BOO YEA! Me, Jake, and Mom (his mom) are going to AZ. to see the Blackhawks on the 12th of Feb. So, so far today has been great and I am exciting for the good changes in my life.

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