Monday, April 27, 2009

The great escape 04 - 27 - 09

As most of you know I have had the sweetest little pet hamster for the past 2 and half years.
When I would come into our study I would make squeaky noises and she would come up to the closest corner of the cage and do it right back. We'd take her out and let her crawl all over us, and chill in our pockets. I think her favorite was sitting with Jake. As you can see for a hamster she was very photogenic, and loved being everywhere that we were.
Well, these last 3 days she was really sick, no eating, drinking or even moving. We thought she'd be gone within the first day, but my little fighter fought to stay.. I could not let her go, I held her for the better part of last night. At about 4:30 in the morning Jake told me I needed to go to bed, and to just lay her comfortably in her little cage. I did not want to let her go, and was not ready, but finally I felt she would be better laying in her little blankets, so I did. She was pretty much gone at this point. When I woke at 9:00 this morning she was in a better place.. I like to believe she fought until I was ready to let her go. I want to remember her as my unique little friend.
Her great escape..

A little over a month ago, I had her in her ball rolling around the office. I had stepped out for a moment and when I came back in, the ball was popped open. I was so worried, I could not find her for a few minutes, then I looked over by my photo box to see her chewing on the corner. She just stood up on her back legs and looked at me all sweet like I'm not doing anything wrong.

I would have to say the strangest thing I'd ever seen was when she played dead.
The first time she ever did this was at my apartment.
We had just came back and went to check up on her in the guest room. (yes she had her own room pretty much) She was halfway hanging half out of the tube, and was not breathing. I freaked out and got Jake of course, so to get to this tube you have to take apart almost her whole cage. Jake had about most the cage taken apart to try to get her lil body out of there. When he had the bars off she just backed out and started playing around as if nothing. We got use to this after a few times, but still was a little strange.

I'm glad she is in a better place, and lived a long full life, but she'll be missed..

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