Thursday, July 08, 2010

Jakes BIrthday 25 !


The best cake ever

Matti loves to eat with her uncle Jake

I love going out with my sweet husband

So Jake turned 25 on the 29th of June. We had so much fun, this was the first year he took his birthday off. We slept in, then he went and played hockey with Chad. I got to spend the afternoon with Matti which is always so much fun. She is learning new things everyday so I can never get enough of being around her. After we all went to dinner, and then he opened his gifts. :) The day before me and Kristen decorated his car. (which I didnt get a picture of) I love to go all out for his birthday, and he is such a good sport about it all. I am really blessed that I have him in my life. He is truly my best friend, and the one person I can tell all my fears to knowing he will be there for me no matter what comes our way. So I am glad he was born, and has a wonderful mother who taught him to be the man he is today.

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