Thursday, March 11, 2010

2nd Anniversary

I cannot believe it will be two years already. So even before Christmas we had started to plan our little vacation. We are going to see the BLACKHAWKS play live in Phoenix.
I am so excited, that I am really counting down, 8 days and 20 hours. I will be sitting 3 rows from the glass behind the phoenix coyotes goal tender. I do not expect to come back with much of a voice, but I will get tons, of pictures.. Yea I am a little to excited, but this is my first Blackhawks game. Kind of sad as I am married to the biggest Blackshawks fan I know, or probably will ever know.

But I dont want to forget the best part, I married a sweet guy who spoils me, and makes me a better person. We have been together for 8 years and married for 2 of those.
I love our little inside jokes, and sign meanings. You know you're on the same page when Jakes leaves and I look at him and do a lil sign and when he looks up he's doing the same thing. LOVE IT..
I'll never forget our first kiss.
It was on a Wednesday night, Jake use to play basketball at his church which was about 5 minutes away from my house. He was about to leave after watching movies, and I walked him to the front door when he picked me up (as I am a great deal shorter) and kissed me. I dont remember him really leaving, but I remember knocking at the door, and found myself still on the landing so I opened it, and it was him. He had time to drive home, change and come back to my house. (I had the biggest butterflies, and time had no meaning at that moment) I opened the door and he kissed me again for much longer. He took my breath away then and still does to this day.
He has been my very best friend through all these years, and I know he will always be there. We can share anything with each other. I am excited for with this year as in for us.

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