Saturday, June 06, 2009

HapPy BirThDaY ! ! !

WOW, Already 24 ! ! !
So, this was last week, on my Birthday.
I can't believe how fast time has gone. It feels just like yesterday that I turned 21.
Until this birthday I have never felt older, it's not like I feel old, but just older, I guess you could say. Haha Maybe it's because I saw how many candles where on the cake. I think we got lucky it didn't completely melt before I got to blow them out.
It was really nice, we went out to eat dinner with Jakes family and my close friend Kristen. Hung out for a little while to catch the end of the Blackhawks game that was on tv.. They obviously did not get the memo that I used a wish for them to win.... After the disappionting lose of that game, we went to Jakes final hockey game for this season it was for first place also but it had a much better outcome.. After a few hours of hockey we took off for some midnight bowling lol.. I love it, for me it's the best way to chill and have fun. I wish they had that in Utah..
As far as gifts, I got spoiled with gift cards to my favorate store, make up, and the only books I'll read haha all the twilight, along with cute tigger from Disney land.. Which I hope to be able to show some pictures in October :) (girls get away) :)
So I guess I am not that old yet, if my favorate things are still this stuff, and if I can stay out until 2am bowling and still get up at 9 right.. :)

1 comment:

Dannie said...

awww mimi you are completely gorgeous! your birfday sounded like lots of fun :]