Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My trip to Utah

I have been back from Utah for a little less then 2 weeks. I have yet to get the pictures from my time up there. I went to a Jazz festival with my family up in Park City. It was soo pretty up there the leafs had already started to change. Me and Danielle mostly hung out, checked the booths and tried to ride the ski lift ( didn't get too though by the time we found where to get the tickets they were closing it :( ) After that of course we hit the outlets and hung out the rest of the night.
I checked out the Cities new pool with the water slides and played with my nephews and niece.
I ended up having to stay an extra week, so the 2nd week I was up there I refinished our table, and got sick from the allergies up there. I took a ton of pictures but I guess I erased them :( So I'll get those on here as soon as I get them...

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